Saturday, December 31, 2011

End of 2011

Hello all DNA members. Today is the last day of 2011. How do you feel? Happy? Sad? Excited? Lets recap on what DNA did this year (urrrggghhhhh report writing TAT)

Starting of the year, I made a Chinese New Year Video for DNA. All DNA members were invited but only some turned up. Oh well.. my 1st time editing video with noob editor was kinda funny in a way =3 for those who didnt see it before.. here it is

After I released the video, our guild's superintendent (which was newly elected at that time) , -[DeViL]-Bear, made DNA Dreamland's 1st ever event. As it was DNA's 1st event, only a few of DNA's members turned up. the event was held on 29th January 2011. Read about the contest here.

We also had an event during Chinese New Year which was the 888 SP+GSC
Not many DNA members joined the event (so sad TAT), so I hope more members will turn up next year =D

On 9th February 2011, 3 new superintendents were elected to help me with guild managements
-[DeViL]-Sora (dreamland) , -[AnG3L]-G|rL (wonderland) and *^XxSuKiYoxX^* (wonderland).

Then we tried coming up with guild uniform -> but it failed XDDD

And then... Valentine's Day came. I came up with event but event failed due to lack of participation. So I'll entertain you with a video made by -[DeViL]-StaR =P

I created an MSN chat for DNA members... but unfortunately there was no response. Read about it here!

We had a Mini Shua + competition during April. Read about it here!
And the winners were -[AnG3L]-Worm , [SIXTY-II] , and -[AnG3L]-YoMiKo. More details here!

In May 2011, I released DNA's 1st ever promotional videos. Check them out if you haven't watched it!

Short video

Long video

On 8 August 2011, DNA Forever celebrated its 3rd anniversary! Yay! Unfortunately I was busy so there was only a small celebration to celebrate it..

On 18 October 2011, we got to know that on of our members had passed away from disease. May you rest in peace Jeremy a.k.a -[DeViL]-Jeremy and -[AnG3L]-Kn|gh+ . DNA will miss an awesome member like you.

On 10 December 2011, -[DeViL]-StaR represented us to compete in the Girl's Tournament held by SDO. She failed to win but we admire her spirit of competing.

On 11 Decemver 2011, -[AnG3L]-F|oNa represented DNA and competed in a SDO Tournament held in Sandakan. Thank you Fiona for bringing home 1st prize !

This is the end of the report for this year. Be sure to attend the Countdown Party that will be held at Dreamland Advance Channel 8 tonight!

(I'm sorry Wonderland players, I don't really have the time to maintain both guilds at different servers. But Happy New Year to you guys too =3)

-End of report-
